Through our project “Industrial Gardening“, we oppose the image of a grey industrial zone in Berlin-Marzahn (where our office and the B.I.G. Campus are located) through vitality and the sustainable wellbeing of humans, animals and plants. Committed colleagues from B.I.G., volunteers from CEF-Help and experts from Prinzessinnengärten built an “Industrial Garden” on the B.I.G. Campus in Marzahn.

Raised beds for fruits and vegetables, perennial flowerbeds and wildflower meadows, as well as benches and a big table shall grow into a green oasis on the B.I.G. Campus. A place to relax and enjoy, where meetings, lunchbreaks and a drink or two in the after-hours can also find a new space.

In order to let this green oasis grow and bloom, volunteers will meet experts from Prinzessinnengärten every three weeks throughout the season for a so called Gartensprechstunde” – “Garden-Clinic- Session”. Under professional supervision we’ll care for the garden, learn more about plants, receive useful tips for our own garden or balcony, and even get inspiration for recipes once we harvest our fruit and vegetables.

We are looking forward to our first experiences – maybe we can even inspire some of the other companies in our neighbourhood.

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