The kids from Tabasamu-Children’s home, say “Asante Sana” – thank you! The orphanage is part of OTEPIC, an extraordinary permaculture-project in the northwest of Kenia. A small reminder: Philip Munyasia, the founder of OTEPIC, visited us last year. We were so impressed by his wonderful project that we decided to start  a long-term cooperation together.

At the moment, 16 orphans are living in “Tabasamu”, the Swahili word for “Smile”. OTEPIC is taking care of them by financing their education and food as well as offering them a home and perspectives. All this is financed by donations.

Background: Even if there are no more school-fees for primary-school (1st-8th grade) in Kenia, there are still a lot of extra costs for books, school-materials, food for long schooldays, school-uniforms etc. that the children’s families have to pay for. Because of these expenses, poor families very often only send their oldest children to school, preferably the boys.

This is why, instead of buying Christmas gifts for their customers, B.I.G. sent the money to “Tabasamu” so that the kids got school-materials and clothes, which were joyfully received!

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