Schools in Kenya will remain closed until 2021 !! Children are left to their own devices all day. Social problems such as teenage-pregnancies are increasing. Help to provide home-schooling for the orphans at the OTEPIC Childrens’-Home.

Since start of the lockdown in Kenya the self-help project OTEPIC has organized lessons at home for 23 orphans in the Tabasamu-Children’s-Home. OTEPIC is our cooperation partner, and since 2017 we have been supporting this exemplary work in one of the poorest regions of Kenya. For the last 12 years as a self-help project, OTEPIC has been changing the lives of many people from the slums around Kitale/Kenya.

Now it’s about supporting home schooling for the orphans. OTEPIC has been funding teachers’ salaries since March. These are expenses that the project cannot actually afford and the money is missing elsewhere, such as food and clothing for the children. 

  • With 18 € you finance a teacher for one day. 
  • With 90.- € you finance a teacher for one week. 
  • With 450.- € a teacher can be paid for 25 teaching days. 
This means both, lessons for the children and subsistence for the teachers.
Let’s help OTEPIC master this challenge.



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