Many thanks to all supporters. The 3rd station has opened. Now it is a matter of securing the remaining stations. The hand washing and info points are gratefully accepted and used a lot by the people in Mitume. “The government should do that …” is a frequently heard comment. In Mitume, the police ensure that curfews are observed from 5 p.m. to 7 a.m., but official information on how to deal with Covid19 does not penetrate beyond the city limits of Kitale. And in the rural region around Kitale, live about 15,000 people mostly in very precarious conditions – no fresh water, no money for soap. Fresh water and hygiene articles as well as information posters and advice from the care staff are a real help in dealing with the pandemic. Let’s start another wave of donations together. You can send the campaign to your contacts at the push of a button. Even the smallest donation helps to save lives.