Meeting with Newcomer Women

We hosted the Women’s Night on March 9th. 30 Scansonic employees celebrated International Women’s Day with 13 refugees at the Sharehouse Refugio. In her keynote the Somali activist Fatuma Musa spoke with passion and humour, based on her sometimes bitter personal experience, about the special situation of refugee women – newcomer women – as she calls them. After her fierce lecture there were many questions and lively table talks over an excellent Arabic meal, which lasted for a long time into the evening.

At the request of many women of the Women’s Night, there was a reunion in the nursery of the S27 on 18 May. We enjoyed our favourite dishes and deepened our interesting conversations in a beautiful atmosphere at the “Everyone brings what with picnic”. Esther Häring, the project coordinator, gave insights into the garden project – the young visitors were also impressed by the garden. More information about the garden project can be found at

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