The 2nd place in the “Digital Genial”- Championship “ is much more than we expected. For the OTEPIC seminar center we could collect a total of € 12,700.- in donations plus the prize money of € 1,500.00. And you brought it about, dear donors – with your commitment to this wonderful cause. Many thanks also on behalf of Philip and his crew.

We have now financed: 30 large security doors / 30 wooden doors for inside / 45 large windows / 26 smaller windows / 2 water towers with 10,000 liter tanks for rainwater / 1 black water tank for toilet waste water;


This house will get windows und doors                   


The missing watertowers can be installed

Each drop of water will be used and reused

With this support, the seminar center will be able to take a giant step forward.

Warm greetings on behalf of Philip and the CEF-Help



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