Philip Odhiambo Munyasia, 36, from Kenya will be our guest in

Coop Campus, Hermannstr. 84; 18th of Oct. 2018, 6 – 7.30 p.m

Philip lives and grew up in the slum “Mitume” in Kitale, a city in western Kenya. Hunger, violence, unemployment and tribal conflicts are the daily order. Already as a teenager he formulated his great vision of the real food revolution: Sustainable self nourishment, knowledge transfer and living in peace and harmony with nature.

After studies in the USA and Portugal, he returned to Kenya and found like-minded people. So OTEPIC was launched 10 years ago and his vision began to become reality.

Since the foundation, the project offered workshops and training and started sustainable food production after the permaculture principals.

Many obstacles have been overcome in the past 10 years. Today, the project cultivates three gardens on an area of 11 hectares. There is an orphanage, a dance group and many helpers and supporters. Among other things, two solar driven ground water pumping systems providing free access to clean drinking water for 3,000 people.

For the further development and transfer of know-how, an ecological and self-sufficient peace culture village with seminar centre is to be created.

OTEPIC brings hope and perspective to the poorest regions of Kenya and East Africa. Much has already been achieved, but there is still a lot to do before the whole vision becomes reality.


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