On April 16, 2018 we meet at 18.00 for a think tank on the Coop Campus. We are preparing the next DAY OF CARE which we will do together with the Scansonic Group. Low-tech solutions for indoor climate, heating, cooling, water, etc. will be discussed in a relaxed discussion. The aim is to give the Coop Campus project a new home in the existing greenhouse – with self-sufficient housing for offices, workshops and kitchens using low-tech energy concepts.

Together with the newcomers in the educational factory, colleagues from the Scansonic Group and the CEF – club of engineers & friends, we face the challenge of regulating the climate in the greenhouse and designing low-threshold architecture ourselves.

A creative room for manoeuvre is to be created by combining engineering knowledge with design and simply the desire to do handicrafts, in which there is room to become active and supported in many different ways and to do something meaningful together.

We will approach this goal in several stages. Departure is on 16 April at 18.00 o’clock. We want to get to know each other over tea, wine and beer and exchange initial ideas, wishes and visions. Experimental, low-threshold architectural, climate and energy concepts are in demand. Experts and laymen welcome. Another think-tank will follow in May.

Here are a few examples of low-tech concepts that we want to look at and discuss in a playful way:

  • bioreactor
  • biogas
  • cooling by evaporation
  • earth refrigerator
  • climate zone architecture
  • composting toilets
  • scheffler mirrors
  • sterling motors
  • water retention and treatment


When: 16 April 2018 at 18.00 – approx. 20.00 o’clock

Where: Coop-Campus, Hermannstr. 84, U8 Leinestraße, U/S-Bahn Hermannstraße .

Contact: heidi.walter@cef-help.org

For questions also under: 0176 – 341 230 70

Please register briefly if you want to come to the meeting.

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